Seeking a Consultant

Wisdom2Action (W2A) in partnership with Access Open Minds, the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD), the Enchante Network (TEN), Gris MTL, Kickstand, Kind Space, 2 Spirits in Motion Society (2SiMS) and YWCA Halifax, will implement a three-year project entitled SAFER (Safer Access for Everyone in the Rainbow).  SAFER (name is yet to be confirmed) has been made possible due to the generous support provided by the Women’s Program at Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) Canada.  The objectives of the project are to build capacity by:

  • Establishing and maintaining a national 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Advisory Council (YAC) as well as a Partner Advisory Council (PAC) that will provide guidance and oversight to the project.  The YAC and PAC will assist in developing curricula, delivering training, and creating evaluation and sustainability plans
  • Developing and providing comprehensive training on 2SLGBTQ+ youth and gender-based violence (GBV), youth engagement, as well as bystander training, to a minimum of 24 2SLGBTQ+ and youth-serving organizations
  • Conducting public education and prevention campaigns at the national and regional levels to dismantle social biases and stigma against 2SLGBTQ+ youth and decrease the prevalence of street harassment and other public instances of GBV experienced by 2SLGBTQ+ youth

In support of these objectives, W2A is seeking the engagement of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) consultant to:

  • Assess progress made towards the achievement of results at the outcome and output levels
  • Determine if the results contribute to the project goals
  • Identify lessons learned and provide recommendations for future programming in GBV prevention for 2SLGBTQ+ youth

In completing these objectives, the consultant will:

  1. Work with the PAC and YAC to develop a  meaningful, engaging, participatory and developmental M&E framework for the project.
  2. Propose an evaluation methodology for the project that is trauma-informed, strengths-based, and centres participants voices’ and experiences.
  3. Using the framework and methodology, collect robust baseline data for the project in year 1.
  4. Hold a session to share and validate baseline findings with the PAC and YAC at the end of Year 1.
  5. Collect data & summarize key findings in order to share  a mid-point check in and recommendations at the end of Year 2.
  6. Compile, review and analyse all data to complete Final Evaluation by the end of year 3.

Requested Deliverables:

  1. Evaluation Work Plan (to be completed by end of Q3, Year 1)
    1. Methodology,
    2. Timeline
    3. Roles and Responsibilities
    4. Budget
  2. Evaluation Framework: (to be completed by end of Q3, Year 1)
    1. Results
    2. Indicators
    3. Targets
    4. Data Collection Methods
    5. Frequency
  3. Baseline Report (to be completed by end of Q1, Year 2)
  4. Mid-line Report (to be completed by end of Q4, Year 2)
  5. Final Evaluation Report (to be completed by end of Q4, Year 3)

The M&E consultant is expected to be:

  • A reliable and effective project manager with extensive experience in conducting evaluations and a proven record in delivering professional results in line with budget.
  • Fully acquainted with project requirements and outputs
  • Preference given to 2SLGBTQ+ and BIPOC consultants or consulting firms.

Projected Budget:


Applications will close once position is filled.

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