Queering Gender-Based Violence Prevention & Response in Canada: Toolkit & Report

2SLGBTQ+ people are disproportionately impacted by gender-based violence (GBV), experience distinct forms of GBV, and often face additional barriers when reaching out for support related to GBV. Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia are structural forms of GBV that 2SLGBTQ+ communities navigate every day in their public and private lives. 2SLGBTQ+ communities face family violence, street harassment, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and lateral violence and experience GBV in ways that cisgender and heterosexual people do not.

Working with the Canadian Women’s Foundation, we prepared a report and toolkit to help service providers better understand the needs and challenges 2SLGBTQ+ communities face when it comes to gender-based violence.

Download the Toolkit & Report Below

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