Newsletter – Canada Banned Conversion Practices In December 2021. What Now?

by Wisdom2Action


Preventing & Addressing GBV Against 2SLGBTQ+ Youth: What the Youth Sector Can Do

Join National Alliance for Children and Youth and Wisdom2Action on August 4th for a critical discussion about what 2SLGBTQ+ youth serving groups and organizations can do to address and prevent Gender-Based Violence against 2SLGBTQ+ youth.

FREE for Members - contact:

Register Here

Canada Banned Conversion Practices in December 2021. What Now?

In December 2021, Canada passed a law banning conversion practices–discredited and abusive “therapies” designed to change or repress non-heterosexual and non-cisgender identities, behaviours and desires. In response to and building on Canada’s ban on conversion practices, we are developing a set of resources focusing on educating and empowering 2SLGBTQ+ communities along with health and social service providers. These will include tools and campaigns such as “Know Your Rights” resources, survivor support resources, tips on identifying and disrupting conversion practices, and more!

We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about:

  • Recognizing conversion practices in action

  • Supporting survivors of conversion practices

  • What health and social service providers need to know about Canada’s recent ban on conversion “therapy"

  • Resources on homophobic and transphobic conversion practices to give clients, family members, and/or colleagues

Help us develop tools and resources that work for you.

Fill out the Survey

Now available in Arabic, English & Somali: Anti-Racism Charter in Recreation Survey

Would you like to share your experiences with Racism while accessing recreation services in Nova Scotia? In partnership with Recreation Nova Scotia, we are developing an Anti-Racism Charter in Recreation. The survey is now available in Arabic, English and Somali.

We encourage you to share information about this important survey with your networks and community.

The survey asks questions about:

  • Barriers to recreation

  • Experiences of racism within recreation

  • Training needs for service providers in recreation

  • Developing the Recreation Nova Scotia Anti-Racism Charter in Recreation

Thank you for helping us promote the survey!

Complete the Survey Here
Anti-Racism Charter in Recreation

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