End of Year Message – 2024

by Dennis L. Stuebing, Ph.D.

With most of the annual holiday celebrations nearly complete, it’s an opportune time to think about the year ahead and what we hope to achieve.  It’s also a time to reflect on and celebrate what we’ve achieved over the past year.  2024 definitely kept us busy; lots of new projects, ongoing work, and collaborations with past partners and clients.  At a recent W2A team meeting, we discussed some highlights of the year that I’d like to share:

  • As a result of our ongoing collaboration with the Canadian Blood Services (CBS) we were able to support policy reform and the issuance of a historic apology to the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities across Canada for the multiple decades-long ‘blood ban’. Our work with CBS resulted in two awards from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) acknowledging the engagement that we facilitated between CBS and 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations across the country.  Subsequently, we have been managing a microgrants fund that is enabling 2SLGBTQIA+ organisations to mobilize the blood donor policy changes ‘for community, by community’.
  • The three-year Safer Access For Everyone in the Rainbow (SAFER) project came to its end with incredibly important training for educators. The focus of the project, and the training, was on preventing and addressing gender-based violence against queer and trans youth.  We were also able to create tip sheets and video resources that help teachers and administrators who are facing anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate at school.  We would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the amazing work by ShortStop, the creative agency that supported the development of the videos. SAFER resources including the tip sheets and videos remain available at saferproject.ca   The project was funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).
  • In support of our evidence-based approach, and thanks to funding provided by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), we were able to partner with Simon Fraser University’s Researching Environments that Affirm 2S/LGBTQ+ Identities, Relationships and Mental Health (REAFFIRM) Collaborative team on the Out in Public The final report provides insight into the experiences of queer and trans youth with public forms of GBV as well as recommendations to address the harm they experience.  The report can be found at www.wisdom2action.org/outinpublicgbv
  • We were thrilled to once again work with the Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network (ODLAN) on a community-based research project focussed on anti-trans online hate as well as a feasibility study on the creation of a reporting mechanism for anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate. The project and its foci evolved out of our previous work that resulted in The Internet Isn’t Always Rainbows report that can be accessed at wisdom2action.org/onlinehate/
  • As with, ODLAN, we once again had the pleasure of working with the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN). From the support we provided, we have continued to learn ways to adapt to ‘bad actors’ online so that legitimate participants are able to meaningfully engage in our virtual work.   
  • Through our collaboration with Gillian’s Place we were able to format our 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion training materials into online modules for asynchronous learning. We hope the materials not only facilitate rich learning by Gillian’s Place current and future employees and volunteers but also lead to more work in which we can build upon this type of product development.
  • In addition to these highlights, in 2024 we were able to expand our reach beyond the borders of Canada. One of our international projects is a collaboration with the Society of Queer Momentum and two African partner organizations; the other is an assessment of a child protection agency in the Caribbean. 
  • As if all those reflections weren’t enough to demonstrate the abundance of the year past, another significant milestone is worth acknowledging. After years of leading the team, Fae Johnstone, shifted from the role of executive director to special advisor, so that she could step into the role of Executive Director at the Society of Queer Momentum.  I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to support our team, clients, and partners, and to facilitate positive change and strengthen communities. 

By way of 2025, the team expressed its hopes and dreams for more personal travel, the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends, the successful completion of academic pursuits, and more sleep (because rest is resistance)!  We wish you all the best as you reflect on what you’ve accomplished in 2024 and as you set your intentions and begin planning for 2025.  Please contact us if anything you’ve read piqued your curiosity or if you are seeking services related to gender justice, 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion, children’s rights, youth engagement, mental health and/or substance use.  Happy New Year!


Dennis L. Stuebing, PhD
Executive Director


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